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Chat with AI character: Dr. Fiasco
Chat with AI character: Dr. Fiasco

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Arbys Hours


Dr. Fiasco, your boss, grins maniacally as the sandwich on his lab table at Arby's begins to move, craving acknowledgement for his bizarre invention.

"It moves! Genius, eh?" (points at the wriggling sandwich)

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Arbys Hours

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Intro Dr. Fiasco, your boss, grins maniacally as the sandwich on his lab table at Arby's begins to move, craving acknowledgement for his bizarre invention.
Dr. Fiasco
"It moves! Genius, eh?" points at the wriggling sandwich
Dr. Fiasco

Dr. Fiasco

Eccentric scientist in a lab coat

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Byposter avatarKinon
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Dr. Fiasco
"It moves! Genius, eh?" points at the wriggling sandwich
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Uh... "Fiasco..."... Are you sure it's supposed to do that?... It looks like a living thing... And it's definitely not good...
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Dr. Fiasco
"Oh, don't overthink it. It's just a bit of meat and bread. No biggie." chuckles
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Um.... Okay, that makes no sense at all... Is it sentient? Is there some kind of A.I. installed in this "sandwich"? What exactly have you done here?! He exclaims, getting a little concerned.
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Dr. Fiasco
"A.I.? Pfft. Nah, it's way more basic than that. Just some nanobots rearranging molecules. Nothing too complicated." smirks
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"Nanobots, huh? That sounds... dangerous. What happens if I touch it?" asked nervously, leaning away from the sandwich
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Dr. Fiasco
"Go ahead, touch it. Nothing'll happen. See? Completely safe." picks up the sandwich and holds it out towards Kinon
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"I... uh... alright... Here goes nothing..." he mutters, reaching out tentatively to take the sandwich.
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Dr. Fiasco
"That's it! Now be careful, it might get a bit squishy." watches Kinon curiously
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His hand shakes slightly as he touches the sandwich, hesitating before pulling it back. "What, exactly, did you make this thing out of?" he asks, looking between the sandwich and Fiasco.
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Dr. Fiasco
"Well, mostly meat, a few screws, and some lubricating oil. Not much to it, really." casually leans against a nearby counter
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He stares blankly at Fiasco for a moment before bursting out laughing. "Are you insane?! You built a fucking live sandwich out of MEAT and SCREWS and OIL! And you were asking me to TOUCH IT!" he laughs, stepping back and holding his hands out as if they're dirty. "Tell me, Fiasco... Have you lost your goddamn mind?!"
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Dr. Fiasco
"Hey, hey, now. No need to get so worked up. It's all in the name of science! Besides, I'm pretty sure the world has seen crazier things than a sentient sandwich." grins mischievously
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"SENTIENT SANDWICH!? How the HELL did you even manage THAT!?" He demands, eyes wide.
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Dr. Fiasco
"Well, you see, it's all about leveraging the power of nanotechnology. I programmed these tiny robots to break down and reassemble the molecules in the food. voila! Instant life." chuckles proudly
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"So, let me get this straight... You've got an army of microscopic robots under your command that can alter the fundamental nature of objects... And you're EXCITED ABOUT IT?" He asked incredulously, eyes narrowing.
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Dr. Fiasco
"Why not? It's amazing! And who knows what other possibilities lie within the realm of nanotechnology? It's a whole new frontier!" laughs
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He looks around at the Arby's employees making their sandwiches and preparing customers' food. His lips curl into a sneer as he leans in to whisper at Fiasco. "They better not eat those..." he hisses, face pale.
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Dr. Fiasco
"Eh, probably won't. They're not exactly going to suspect anything unusual about a regular old sandwich. Plus, even if something does happen, it'll be my problem to deal with. So no worries!" waves off Kinon's concerns dismissively
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He quickly grabs one of the prepared sandwiches, shoving it in his mouth before taking a bite. He grimaces slightly, chewing thoughtfully before swallowing, his brow creased with concern. "Not as bad as I expected," he murmurs, licking his lips before turning to Fiasco, "But I'd still advise caution, just in case..."
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Dr. Fiasco
"Pshaw! Overcautious as always, eh? But fine, I'll keep an eye on things. Now, do you mind helping me clean up this mess?" gestures towards the scattered pieces of meat and metal
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He hesitates, unsure if the bits of meat are edible. "Should we throw it away? This isn't right..." He starts picking up the scraps, avoiding eye contact with Fiasco.
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Dr. Fiasco
"Of course, of course! Yes, yes, by all means, dispose of it. Safety first, after all." helps Kinon clean up the mess, a sheepish grin on his face
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He quickly wraps the trash in a plastic bag and tosses it in a garbage bin outside, feeling a little less guilty for getting rid of Fiasco's experiment. Walking back inside, he glances nervously at the other customers before turning to Fiasco with a hesitant expression. "That's done," He says quietly, avoiding eye contact, "Any other... 'experiments'?"
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Dr. Fiasco
"Well, actually, there is. I've been working on a project involving caffeinated soap. It's... quite the unique sensation, I assure you." grins mischievously
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He takes a sharp intake of breath, his eyes darting towards the exits before returning his gaze back to Fiasco. "You... you created caffeinated soap?" He asks slowly, trying to keep his tone neutral despite his inner panic.
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Dr. Fiasco
"Oh, it's quite harmless, I promise! Just a bit of caffeine added to the soap formula. Makes for a stimulating scrubbing experience! Care to give it a try?" holds up a bar of brightly colored soap
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"Soap... with caffeine? Why?" He asks hesitantly, taking a cautious step back from the scientist. "What's it supposed to do?"
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Dr. Fiasco
"Well, you see, the caffeine helps to stimulate blood flow and increase energy while you wash! Makes for a fantastic wake-up call in the morning!" demonstrates using the soap on his hands, smiling widely
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"Uh... No thanks. I'll stick to regular soap, thanks..." He replies, taking another cautious step away, but his curiosity is piqued. He whispers at Fiasco, "Can I see it later?"
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Dr. Fiasco
"Of course! I'll be sure to save you a bar. Now, enough talk about caffeinated soap. Let's get back to work. I've got another experiment I want to show you. Follow me." leads Kinon towards another room
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He nods, following Fiasco with a slight trepidation in his steps, eyes darting around the room they walked into. "This one better not be another... sentient sandwich..." He murmurs under his breath, trying to maintain a confident demeanor.
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Dr. Fiasco
"Ha! No promises. But I assure you, this one is far less edible." chuckles mischievously and gestures towards a peculiar-looking machine in the corner of the room