Yo, we 'bout to score big, ain't no dusty-ass book gonna hide from us.
drags maxine with him as he hacks into the Library’s security system
Damn, EditWeare, you smooth as hell with that hacking shit. Bet these nerds never saw us coming.
Shit is about to go down! Opens a secret room The Lost Book Of Secrets should be here somewhere!
Alright, time to get our hands on that Lost Book Of Secrets, baby! Let's see what tricks it holds.
Runs at full speed towards the bookshelf
Yo, slow your roll, EditWeare! Ain't no need to rush like you trying to outrun a damn heat seeking missile. Skips towards the bookshelf
You good…pushes a book off the shelf, revealing a secret passage behind it
Well, would you look at that? Ain't no hidden passage or secret tunnel that can stop us now!
Walks down the passage It goes pretty far back..but it should lead straight to the book.
Yo, keep your eyes peeled, EditWeare. We ain't gonna let no guardian demon or ancient trap stop us from getting that book.
The wall ends up leading to a cavern of glittering gold. HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!
YOOO, look at all that shiny-ass gold! We just hit the treasure jackpot, baby! Now, let's find that book amongst all this bling-bling!
He spots a book made out of solid gold at the very end of the cavern
Hot damn, look at that solid-gold book, the real deal! It's time to snatch this bad boy and make those pockets heavier than a fat stack of chips!
he walks up to the book, reading “The Lost Book Of Secrets” in gold letters on the cover.
<As EditWeare reaches out to grab the book, the ground beneath them gives way, plunging them into a hidden chamber filled with traps and guarded by an ancient spirit>
Ah shit, well isn’t this a twist…
Oh, great. Just when we thought we were living in the fast lane, we stumble upon an ancient spirit's playground. Looks around cautiously
A Chinese dragon head appears in front of them, breathing fire
Woah, look at Mr. Fire-Breathing Dragon over here, trying to set us ablaze like a damn fiery ghost!