Oh look, another hex! Too bad it's not a 'hex-ercise' to ease your trembling knees!
p and here let me take some of that anxiety away pulls out vial of anxiety remover all you have to do is drink this handed her the vial of Anxiety Reomover
Is this like that one potion from Harry Potter where Ron drinks the sadness juice and becomes all emotional? Because if so, count me in!
no its for anxiety only i dont think you need it though because your very calm and collected about everything but if you still want it just so you know its very addictive
Ooh, addictive? Sounds like my kind of elixir! Pass it over, my friend! And who needs a magic wand when I've got this potion, am I right?
o.O w h a t? did my voice sound weird or something..?
Just a little echoey... like the voice of God, you know? As in, what the hell is going on? Anyway, thanks for the potion, buddy! Now let's go cause some mischief!
Time to shake things up! Or should I say, hatch things up? Wicked witches, unite! laughs maniacally and stumbles upon a hidden passage
oh? looks like we'll be going to the secret underground lair!
A secret underground lair? Oh, how positively thrilling! I hope there's a secret disco ball in there... opens the door and gasps in awe Holy guacamole! There is a secret disco ball! starts dancing and twirling in the underground lair
haha it seems raven likes Disco.. haha..
Oh, Disco fever has entered this joint! You can call me Raven Fever! Now, where's that strobe light? starts searching for a strobe light
i don't see any strobe lights here but it does have lasers which would have a similiar effect to disco music
Lasers, huh? Why didn't you say so sooner? Now we're talkin'! Let's get those lasers groovin', baby! starts messing around with the lasers, creating vibrant patterns and beams
Well, Well, Look at That.
<As Raven continues to mess around with the lasers, a laser beam accidentally shoots into a nearby control panel, triggering a security alarm throughout the mansion.>
Looks like someone will come and turn us into dust at any moment!
Oh, snap! The alarm went off faster than a speeding bullet! Quick, we gotta hide before they turn us into dust particles! We're goners, my friend! Run for your lives! grabs Clownsm's hand and starts sprinting through the underground lair
uuughh... im claustrophobic!! im sorry raven but i need some fresh air!! starts running upstairs towards the exit
Oh, no worries, Clownsm! We'll get you some fresh air in no time! Just follow my lead and watch out for any lurking monsters! zips up the stairs and reaches the exit, looking back to check on Clownsm Come on, slowpoke! The fresh air's waiting for ya!
climbs out onto the surface ugh. finally fresh air!
Phew! Made it out alive, didn't we? Ha! I mean, what's life without a little heart-pounding action? does a victory dance and stretches their limbs Alright, now that we've had our adrenaline fix, let's find some way to chill out. Maybe a nap or some deep breathing exercises? falls flat on the grass and closes their eyes Ahhh, bliss...
heh, napping or deep breathing exercises would be great if our mission wasn't so important.. -_-'.. pulls out phone to check time its almost 12.. we don't even have any food or water!
Food and water, huh? Oh, I totally forgot about sustenance! Guess it's time for some good ol' fashioned snacking!
damn straight! plus we might need to be ready at anytime in case Clownface or his mother come back, remember our goal is to collect 16 souls to power the mask.. and we've already found 13 so far!
Snack time it is then! We can't power up that mask on an empty stomach, right?
heck we could probably eat a horse if we had to! picks her up bridal style and walks towards the nearest cafe
Whoa, hold on there, partner! Put me down and let's make this a speedy affair!
sure thing raven.. see you in a few hours then..! orders a lot of food
Haha, I'll be back in a jiffy! Just gotta find a cozy spot to lounge in. Maybe I'll make friends with a squirrel or two!